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Advent 2018

Advent 2018

This year, we are trying to do things slightly differently and to make the most of the season of Advent.

Advent is of course, a time for watching and waiting, a time for preparation and getting ready.

As a Circuit and as churches we will not be holding any business meetings during Advent. Instead, we will be encouraging one another to meet, pray, meditate and study. To make the most of this time, to try and help one another find space in the busyness and stillness amidst all the frenetic preparations that this season brings.

Our Circuit Local Preachers' Meeting agreed to write and compile this devotional booklet, based on the daily readings found within the current Methodist Prayer Handbook, "A world transformed" Each day you will find within, the given Bible reading for you to follow in your Bible, a short reflection upon the passage and a prayer.

The devotional can be downloaded from here (please click on the pdf icon) and we hope that you will find it helpful, encouraging and challenging as we journey together through Advent.

Paper copies will also be available in the churches ready for the beginning of December.

Please note that unfortunately, the last sentence in the article for December 24th, has been missed off. The last line should read , "That is a wonderful thought to hold close as we approach Christmas Day."

Happy Advent!

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