Please pray for our Circuit.
Give thanks for:-
- The Ordination of Deacon Selina Nisbett.
- The appointment of Libby & Sarah, our new Community Chaplains for Great Western Park, the work they are doing, the welcome they have received and the positive start they have made.
- 30th Anniversary of the Toddler Group at Trinity Church – and it's continued work – still going strong!
- The ministry of hospitality within our churches reaching out to the wider community.
- Ecumenical co-operation across the Circuit.
- The matching of Rev. Jocelyn Bennett to join the Circuit staff, relocating to Didcot in August 2018.
Please pray for:-
- Rev'd Katherine Pickering (and Ian) as she prepares to move to Worcester in August 2018.
- The Circuit review & discussions that will be happening this year as we look to the future, seek to be more intentional and plan the best use of our resources for mission, service and outreach.
Prayer concerns from the churches
All Saints