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God in love unites us – update


You will be aware that the Methodist Church is at the moment in the process of discussing and debating "God in Love Unites us" – this is the report of the Marriage and Relationships task group that went to Conference this summer.

The Methodist Conference spent a great deal of time discussing the report and did so with a sense of openness, respect, graciousness, dignity and understanding, aware that within our Methodist family there are differing views.

The Methodist Conference showed that is it possible to engage with one another even where contradictory views are held and to do so in a way which models good practice to the world.

The provisional resolutions within the report will be debated at the Spring Synods across the country and the final votes taken at the Methodist Conference when it meets in the summer of 2020

Conference agreed that this report should be commended for study and prayerful discussion.

To help start the discussions within our own Circuit, we will be holding a meeting looking at the report and study guide on Tuesday 12th November at 7:30pm. This will take place at Grove Methodist Church.

This will be open to anyone who wishes to come along and join in the conversation.

It is planned that each Church will also look at the report in the New year for conversations and discussion at a local level.

I have ordered plenty of copies of both the report and the study guide and these will be made available.

I look forward to us sharing together over the coming months.

Love and God Bless


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