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London to Brighton Bike Ride

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Sunday 16th June -- London to Brighton bike ride for the British Heart Foundation

A 5:30am departure from Wantage saw Keith and the family arrive at Clapham Common in good time for his 8:00am start.

Liz, Amy and Becca cheered him and Deji, a long standing friend from Essex, on their way, Liz being disappointed that she wasn't able to join in after all.

The cloudy start in London soon gave way to rain which accompanied Keith and Deji through the outskirts of the city into the countryside (some of it very heavy indeed) -- but then after 31 miles or so, not only did it stop raining but the sun came out and by the time they arrived in Brighton, via a very windy Ditchling Beacon, the weather was perfect.

It took them 4 hours 56 minutes to cycle the 54 miles and they enjoyed every minute of it.

A big thank you to everyone who so generously sponsored Keith -- as soon as all the money is in, the final total will be announced.

Thanks also for all the kind wishes and prayers.

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