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Reflections from a walk


Helen Carter a member at Wantage Methodist Church and a Local Preacher shares some thoughts with us.

Reflection from a walk...

My exercise today consisted of a walk to post a birthday card, deliver a couple of items to different folk, and then make sure I did a good number of steps.

So, today's exercise was street based, passing many houses along the way. I found myself praying as I passed the houses. I was praying that all inside were safe.

I thought of those families who were now spending much time together for the first time for a long time and sharing fun activities.

I found myself praying for those who might be in an abusive household and not be able to escape.

I found myself praying for those who can no longer visit their loved ones who are in care, or in hospital.

Then there were prayers for those who are totally isolated, depending on others for their very lives by bringing them food, but without being able to invite them into the house and therefore have some meaningful company.

My thoughts and prayers also included those who's loved one has recently died and who cannot share their grief in a tangible way with the community.

I know some of the people whose houses I was walking past, but there were many who would be strangers.

My prayer was the same for everyone household. It was a prayer of hope.

And then I walked past a house where there was a beautiful rainbow in the window. It was clearly the work of a young child and it brought a smile to my face. There was the hope that I had been praying for as I walked.

Maybe in reading about the rainbow has brought Genesis 9:16 to mind – " "When I see the rainbow in the sky, I will always remember the promise that I have made to every living creature"

There have been many discussions on social media about putting rainbows into our windows to keep hope alive, and to bring a smile to people's faces in these anxious times. I noticed just one rainbow today, but that was enough to make me smile, and to thank God for that family for putting a smile on my face.

Whilst not actually to do with rainbows, this prayer seems to be appropriate at this point for it is a prayer full of hope...
"God of life,
may the promise of the sunrise be echoed in our minds.
May the warmth of the midday sun flow through our hearts.
May the peace of the sunset touch our souls.
And when life seems dark teach us to remember even then you are with us, and that we will again see your light.
In the name of Christ, Amen.
(from Prayers for all seasons by Nick Fawcett)

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