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Safeguarding – update

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Revd Keith Underhill will be running some Safeguarding training sessions in the Circuit over the next few months.

For those who have not done any Safeguarding training at all and have not completed the Creating Safe Space foundation module, there will be an opportunity to attend a training session on Thursday 12th April at Wallingford Methodist Church at 7:30pm, which will last for two hours

For those who have completed the Creating Safer Space Foundation Module, but four years or more ago, the refresher module will be run at Trinity Church Abingdon on Wednesday 9th May at 7:30pm, again, this will last two hours.

On Tuesday 1st May at Wantage Methodist Church at 7:30pm there will be a Circuit Safeguarding Forum. This is a meeting for all Church Safeguarding Officers, Circuit Staff and anyone who has an interest in Safeguarding issues to meet together informally for support and an opportunity to be brought up to date on any news/developments that have come from either the District or Connexion.

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